Why clean your windows?

Windows are essential structural and visual components of every home. If left neglected over a long period of time, they can negatively impact the comfort level and value of your home.

Windows are subject to the same elements and degradation as the rest of your home, all while being made out of much more delicate materials. This is why windows require extra care to ensure their sustained longevity.

There are numerous concerns that can contribute to the reduced lifespan of your windows, that proper and consistent window cleaning can effectively reduce the impact of the following three main concerns:

Hard water stain build-up

Over time, the combination of different minerals (magnesium, calcium, bicarbonates, etc.) in debris and/or sprinkler systems and garden hoses can deposit themselves on your home’s windows. If left unattended for a short period of time, these minerals can react with the sunlight and cause hard water spots on your windows, which will progressively get worse over time, ruining the transparency of the window and diminishing its overall quality. It is important to deal with hard water stains while they are new as they can be easily removed with proper and consistent window cleaning. If left unattended for a long period of time, the spots can develop into sheets of hard water stains that quickly become permanent.

Broken seals

Broken seals are an unavoidable consequence of windows aging over time, but you can definitely increase the potential lifespan of your windows with proper and consistent window cleaning. Regular interior and exterior window cleaning can help keep the debris and grime off windows which contribute to the mold that can develop around the seal of the window. This mold can be the cause of seals being broken early and regular window cleaning can help eradicate this concern.

Permanent debris on frames

Similar to the concern with hard water stains, debris that is left on the surrounding frames of the windows can quickly become permanent if not dealt with early on in the life of the windows. Consistent and proper window cleaning can significantly improve the longevity and appearance of the frames on your windows, while helping ensure that your home looks its best.